We often get asked how to set up an anchor trolley system on your Sit On Top kayaks. There are many different ways to do this. Below is an example of one way to do this.
Equipment needed: Pad Eyes, Rivets, Jam Cleat, Tie Down Cleat, Anchor, Pulley, Rope, Drill
Tools needed: Rivet Gun, Drill
Tools needed: Rivet Gun, Drill
Step 1. Read completely through any directions supplied in your anchor trolley kit before drilling any holes. It is also a good idea to temporarily tape the cleats and pad eyes in place, and then try out the locations by sitting in the kayak on the ground with the paddle to make certain they do not interfere with paddling.
Step 2. Stern Pad eye
On top of kayak, measure 1” from stern tip and drill first hole with the drill bit. Use pad eye and rivet as a template to mark the second hole. Place pad eye over the two holes and place rivets into holes. Pop rivets with rivet gun.
Step 3. Midship pad eye
The second pad eye will be placed near the cockpit on the outer edge of the kayak, leaving enough room for the tie down cleat to be located so that it is easily reached. Fit pad eye the same as the stern one above and rivet in place.
Step 4. Jam cleat
The jam cleat must be directly in line from rear pad eye to front pad eye. You can use the piece of rope, temporarily tied between the two pad eyes, to mark the location. The ridges in the inside of the cleat form an arrow. The cleat should be oriented so that arrow points to the stern, and the wide end is forward. Drill holes, place rivets through the holes in cleat and hull and pop rivets.
Step 5. Tie down cleat
Locate the tie down cleat where it is close at hand and easily reached from the cockpit. It will generally be positioned about 1 ½” forward of the midship pad eye. Drill holes, place rivets and pop rivets.
Step 6. Rigging the pulley line
To assemble the pulley line, feed the rope through both pad eyes so the ends are facing outboard. Place the two rope ends parallel with about eight inches of overlap. Tie a barrel knot with one of the ends around the other, about 8 inches from the end.Slide the pulley onto the free end, and pull out slack so that the line is taught. Tie another barrel knot with the free end, trapping the pulley in between the knots and between the parallel lines.Make sure the tension is tight between pad eyes. Work excess line through the knot, if needed. Cut off excess, and melt the ends of the rope to prevent fraying.
Step 7. Rigging the anchorTie the remainder of the rope onto anchor ring with a barrel knot. Pull tight. Thread the other end through the pulley, tie a stopper knot, (large enough to keep the line from pulling completely through the pulley if dropped) and make fast on tie down cleat.
Your anchor trolley is now ready to use, so good luck and happy fishing.
This is just one example of how to set up and Anchor Trolley Systems on your Sit On Top Kayak. Below is a link to the Anchor Trolley Systems and Anchors we sell here at Norfolk Canoes.
Click here to buy Anchor Trolley Systems, Anchors and Fishing Accessories.
Please be aware that these notes are just an example and making any modifications to your Sit On Top Kayak can permanently damage the Kayak and invalidate your boats warranty. Norfolk Canoes holds no responsibility from any damage coursed whilst fitting your Anchor Trolley System.